5 Cultural Trends Driving the Growth of Microchurches
Leadership For a Changing World
Micro Movements: Our Story
Will we embrace Anglican Micro Churches?
Building Organisational and Denominational Systems that Empower Women
The Yellow Wallpaper: Reflecting on Aimee Byrd’s Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Communities Raise Leaders
Have you lost the dream of you?
Pacing Out Life: Lessons from the road.
Why my dreams of a transparent church need to change.
Yuendumu: Simplicity and Complexity.
The Courage to Listen.
Scarcity and the Confession of a Woman in Leadership
6 ways to invest in raising women leaders.
The ANZAC Spirit: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
Innovation not Novelty
The Heart of a Learner
Sharing the Journey
Living Missionally in the Holiday Season
KIPPERS: Discipling Gen Y & Z into Adulthood